Why Mod Home Landscaping is Easier Than Ever

Creativity is not limited to artists or musicians. Landscaping is also an art, especially when you’re dealing with a mod home. With spring on the way and summer coming, now is a good time to fix up your home and give it a unique look all your own. Many homeowners are able to transform the […]

Safety Checks for Potential Buyers of Modular Homes

Getting into homeownership is always tricky. There are lots of nuances for buyers of modular homes to look into, from pricing to land, to permits. Before buying a home, it is important to look into what it means to go modular. Safety checks for potential buyers of modular homes help you decide if buying a […]

How a Modular Home Comes Together

The consultants at Green Valley Homes are committed to providing your family with an exceptional home buying experience. We fully believe in offering only homes built with the highest quality and most durable materials. It’s our top priority to partner with well-trusted vendors to ensure your modular home buying expectations are not only met, but […]

How to Pick Modular Home Decor

Decorating should be easy and fun. Some people enjoy it but others do it out of necessity. Whatever way you lean, you can find some unique ideas for modular home decor if you look around. From color to prints to small home furnishings design blogs and magazines, you are sure to find some inspiration for […]

Window Treatment Ideas for Modular Home Owners

Modular homes offer flexibility not only in their design and layout but also in their finishes, including window treatments. Window treatments can dramatically enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home, provide privacy, and regulate natural light. Something you may not have considered when buying a modular home was how to best treat the windows. Mobile […]

What is the Cost of Building a Modular Home?

Modular homes can cost less than other homes. The final cost estimate always depends on customization, the contractor, and other upgrades. A modular home is a great way to build the home of your dreams but it can become more expensive than other homes if there is no budget. The average cost to build a […]

Finding Affordable Modular Homes in Ohio

There is a trick to finding the best, most affordable modular homes in Ohio. The increase in popularity of modular homes means more people are looking into why they should build one to call their own and how to make it unique, while also saving money. To find out if affordable modular homes are the […]

Customize Your Modular Home with Decor Options

One of the biggest misnomers about customizing your modular home is that everything comes standard, with no room to customize. Modular building is unique and a popular way for people to pick and choose what they love about their home. Several standard designs exist with a range of features that can be customized from interiors, […]

What are Modular Homes?

As the quest for affordable, high-quality, and efficient housing options continues, modular homes are gaining significant attention. Combining the benefits of traditional, site-built homes with the advantages of modern manufacturing processes, these homes are an increasingly popular choice for many homebuyers. But what are modular homes? Let’s delve into an in-depth exploration of these unique […]

Laws of Moving a Mobile Home in Ohio

Relocating a mobile home, also known as a manufactured home, requires careful planning and understanding of the applicable laws and regulations. In Ohio, as in many states, moving a mobile home involves several legal considerations and steps. Mobile homes are not as easy to move as people think but there are some things to keep […]

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